Turkey Behavior

Factors of animal behavior

What are they thinking?

Who doesn't like a swimming pool with fresh water? Lilac cannot wait to jump into the pool and scratch the bubbles!

On the other pages I have been attempting to touch upon some of the easily identifiable factors that make the turkeys act the way they do; for example:

The "Flock" as a successful survival mechanism

Social status and reproduction rights

Imprinting upon one's species.

Violence at the at the turkey farms due to overcrowding. (and beak snipping)

Or just terrorizing New Zealand for no reason......

page Under construction

What have I overlooked? Actually what have people overlooked?

Nova's "Bird Brain"

This past year I had the pleasure to see Dr. Temple Grandin speak when she visited Kennedy Space Center. I had already read one of her eye opening books on animal behavior and I left her speech with a new appreciation of turkey behavior.

Temple Grandin Thinking the Way Animals Do

Temple Grandin is an assistant professor of animal science at Colorado State University. She is the author of the book Thinking in Pictures. Television appearances include 20/20, CBS This Morning, and 48 Hours. Dr. Grandin has autism, and her experiences have helped her to understand animal behavior. She teaches a course in livestock handling at the university and consults on the design of livestock handling facilities.

"As a person with autism, it is easy for me to understand how animals think because my thinking processes are like an animal's. Autism is a neurological disorder that some people are born with. Scientists who study autism believe that the disorder is caused by immature development of certain brain circuits, and over development of other brain circuits. Autism is a complex disorder that ranges in severity from a mild form (such as mine), to a very serious handicap where the child never learns to talk. The movie Rain Man depicts a man with a fairly severe form of the disorder.

I have no language-based thoughts at all. My thoughts are in pictures, like videotapes in my mind. When I recall something from my memory, I see only pictures. I used to think that everybody thought this way until I started talking to people on how they thought. I learned that there is a whole continuum of thinking styles, from totally visual thinkers like me, to the totally verbal thinkers. Artists, engineers, and good animal trainers are often highly visual thinkers, and accountants, bankers, and people who trade in the futures market tend to be highly verbal thinkers with few pictures in their minds."

Thinking chicken

Training your bird

Emotional support ducks and turkeys


Contact 636@aol.com


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Author Bruce Ryba

Author Bruce Ryba at Kennedy Space Center Launch Pad 39B & Artemis 1. "We are going to the Moon!"

Author's discussion (that's me) on You Tube of a book review on Amazon

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Book One of Florida History:

Freedoms Quest Struggle for the Northern Frontier and lost tales of old Florida

Fiction & language warning.

Available on Amazon

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 Book Two: Available on Amazon